Assignment 01 - Create a Blogger site and make your first post 1.) go to and click on Sign In... 2.) If you have a gmail account, sign in using your gmail username and password; if not, click on Create An Account... 3.) You will see a pop up window that guides you through creating your blog. The first thing you do is to create a Title for your blog. The blog Title can be anything you desire, such as My Great Design Projects, and you can change it at a later date, if your wish... 4.) You then select a URL and this part is VERY picky... you can ONLY use lower case letters, numbers, underscore, and dashes (hyphens)... you CANNOT use spaces, capital letters, or unique characters. As an example, you could choose: mygreatdesignprojects OR my_great_design_projects OR my-great-design-projects Blogger will let you know if the URL is available. If it is NOT available, you will need to come up with an alternativ...