Assignment 01 - Create a Blogger site and make your first post
1.) go to and click on Sign In...
1.) go to and click on Sign In...
2.) If you have a gmail account, sign in using your gmail username and password; if not, click on Create An Account...
You will see a pop up window that guides you through creating your
blog. The first thing you do is to create a Title for your blog. The
blog Title can be anything you desire, such as My Great Design Projects,
and you can change it at a later date, if your wish...
You then select a URL and this part is VERY picky... you can ONLY use
lower case letters, numbers, underscore, and dashes (hyphens)... you
CANNOT use spaces, capital letters, or unique characters. As an example,
you could choose:
mygreatdesignprojects OR my_great_design_projects OR my-great-design-projects
will let you know if the URL is available. If it is NOT available, you
will need to come up with an alternative until Blogger says your choice
is available...
5.) You can now choose a Theme (you can always change or edit your theme at a later date)...
6.) Create a post by clicking the New Post button...
A new window will open. Create a Post Title. For this class, that will
usually be the name or number of the course assignment...
8.) Type any pertinent information in the large box...
9.) You can also add an image by clicking on the icon that looks like a mountain range with a blue sky...
Once you have entered and added all of the information, click on the
orange Publish button and you will be taken back to your blog working
page where you will see your new post. Hover over the post Title and you
will see option to Edit, View, and Delete your post...
11.) To send a link to your post, hover over the View link...
12.) You will need to copy the URL link to your post (highlighted in green) to send a link via an email...
to in order to create a blog with a title and a unique
URL. Once you have crated your blog, create your first post with the
following information:
- your name
- a short bio including your current major at PBSC
- your experience with time-based applications and programs
- your expectations of this class
you have received the list of blogs of your fellow classmates, please
select any three (3) bloggers and respond to their posts in the
'Comments' box at the bottom of the blog before the beginning of the
next class session. You will be doing this on a regular basis.
Ideas for comments on these and future blog posts are:
- constructive critique of design and layout
- constructive critique of creativity, methodology, media, process, and technique
Ideas for comments on these and future blog posts are:
- constructive critique of design and layout
- constructive critique of creativity, methodology, media, process, and technique
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