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Scaling Assets in Animate

Scaling content on the Stage

You can scale items on the stage in these ways:

  • Scale individual symbol instances with the Free Transform tool, Properties panel, or Transform panel.

  • Scale individual symbol instances with 9-slice scaling and the tools and panels listed above.

  • Scaling the entire contents of the Stage when resizing the stage.

Scale an individual symbol instance

  1. Select the symbol instance on the Stage.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Select the Free Transform tool in the Tools panel and then drag the corners or edges of the instance to resize it.

    • Open the Properties panel (Window > Properties) and edit the Height and Width properties of the instance.

    • Open the Transform panel (Window > Transform) and edit the Scale Width and Scale Height properties of the instance.

Scale all content when resizing the Stage

  1. Choose Modify > Document.

  2. In the Document Settings dialog box, enter new values for the Height and Width dimensions of the document. This is the Stage size.

  3. Select the Scale Content with Stage option. Click OK.

    Scaling is applied to all content in all frames.


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